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    Unpopular opinion: A corporation making a public stance on an issue is no different from a wealthy donor making a contribution to a political party. Both are, in effect, attempting to influence public policy and people’s sentiments, regardless of whether their motivations are genuine or not.

      In the few previous years, we have heard the words "Respect the rule of law" and "Obey the rule of law," from the Democrats when they liked it, especially people like Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, etc.

        “(Roe v Wade) was overturned on June 24, 2022, with the decision stating that Roe was ‘egregiously wrong’ and that the constitution does not guarantee the right to abortion.” (Journal Star, June 27)

          The Southeast Community College Board of Governors is committed to fulfilling its mission to provide a skilled workforce and affordable access to higher education. SCC is directly addressing the skilled workforce gap in Southeast Nebraska by expanding its capacity to produce skilled graduate…

            So Gov. Jim Pillen is finally going to make himself available to the people he serves through “a series five town hall events across the central and western parts of the state” (Journal Star, June 28).

              I don't understand why Nebraska Athletics Director Trev Alberts, NU President Ted Carter and a majority of the Board of Regents as well as the Journal Star editorial board think it's a wonderful idea to sell beer at Memorial Stadium games and events.

              I think all in-state athletes should talk with Jordyn Bahl and/or Jordan Larson before they make their decisions on where they go to school and play their respective sports.

              I support the repeal of LB753 — Opportunity Scholarships — and have signed a referendum petition to that effect to get it on the ballot in November 2024. I believe LB753 marks the beginning of the end of public school education in Nebraska.

              I was shocked today to read in the paper Southeast Community College is going to raise the tax levy this year when Lincoln tax valuations have gone up over 23% on average. When you combine the increase in valuations and levy it may be a 40% increase in taxes in one year, which in these infla…

              Recently I called the offices of Nebraska's two U.S. senators and three members of the House of Representatives. I asked if their superior had a statement concerning Donald Trump, especially the recent indictment concerning classified documents.

              Four basics systems of economics are communism, fascism, socialism and capitalism. All systems are controlled to some degree by government.


              As a news editorial journalism major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the 1980s, I had the pleasure of taking Economics for Journalists, co-taught by the late Dr. Wally Peterson and the Journal Star's own Don Walton.

              Amid all the huffing and puffing about LB753 (Opportunity Scholarships Act and tax credits), I have been unable to discern a clear explanation as to why this legislation is necessary.

              I wish to thank Don Walton for his decades of writing informative news stories and insightful opinion columns that were fair minded and avoided the vitriol that is found too often in our politics today.

              It was gratifying to read “Groundwater gains” by Flatwater Free Press reporter Yanqi Xu in the Lincoln Journal Star on June 11. This story is an important addition to Xu’s previous reporting about groundwater contamination and its possible links to elevated pediatric cancer rates in Nebraska.

              Don Walton is a Nebraska treasure. His columns and reporting over the years have been remarkably beneficial in helping Nebraskans be more informed, watchful citizens in Nebraska governmental affairs. As such, he has served as a vital, exemplary member of the Fourth Estate.

              So Nebraska lawmakers and Gov. Jim Pillen decided that if you pay to take a certified safety course and you pass it you can disregard one of the first things they teach you about proper safety equipment.

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